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Dreams for Lammas

Dreams for Lammas

A gala of new local writing

Thursday 1 August, Zoom, 7pm
Tickets: £3/£2*
(Writers selected to read will be admitted free)

Do not measure success by today's harvest.
Measure success by the seeds you plant today.

- Robert Louis Stevenson


Some call it Lammas. Some call it Lughnasadh, Lughnasa or Lúnasa. Whatever your culture, in the Northern Hemisphere, early August has traditionally been a time when the start of harvest season is celebrated.

To mark this turning point in the year, we'll be presenting the pick of the harvest of writing from local poets and story-writers who've created new pieces especially for the occasion.


We reap what we sow, to purloin a cliché, but any harvest is a consequence.

The seeds we sow might be literal, metaphorical or behavioural. The harvest might be fruit and vegetables, children, or communities, or they could be conflicts, diseases, economic or climate disasters. To find our how our writers responded to this prompted theme, simply sign up and tune in.

To submit your writing
Submissions open on 6 April, and will close on 30 June. Anyone aged 14 or older and living, working or studying in Buckinghamshire (including Milton Keynes), Bedfordshire or Northamptonshire is eligible to enter one flash fiction piece and/or up to three poems. We will select 10-12 pieces, to be read on the night by their authors,

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