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We hope that the Frequently Asked Questions below will answer most of your questions. If not, please use our Contact Form and we'll answer as quickly and helpfully as we can.

  • Which venues are hosting MK Lit Fest?
    The Lit Fest Spring Festival events on 3 - 6 April are taking place in Milton Keynes Central Library, 555 Silbury Blvd, MK9 3HL and in Waterstones Milton Keynes, Unit 72, Midsummer Place MK9 3GA (Russell Jones, Francis Spufford, Natalie Bennett and Polly Toynbee events only). The workshop events are hosted by Community Learning Milton Keynes, which is situated within the Central Library. Please check the individual event listing to confirm its location.


  • Is there disability access to the venues?
    Access to the Central Library is via automated doors at the front entrance. The Event Space is fully accessible. There is a lift available to the first floor for the Children’s Library, where the children’s events take place. Access to the workshop rooms in the Community Learning centre is via an automated door. The workshop room is fully accessible. Disabled  toilets are located in the foyer.
    For events on the first floor of Waterstones MK, an escalator and a lift are available.

    Guide dogs, hearing dogs and assistance dogs are welcome.


  • Is parking available? 
    Paid parking is available, with standard tariff street parking (50p per hour – purple bays) behind the Library and premium street parking (£2 per hour – red bays) on Silbury Boulevard. Payment is pay and display or via app/phone: parking is free after 6pm.  For further information see:
    Disabled parking spaces are available at the front of the Library.
    For daytime events, there is a multistorey car park in Midsummer Place with a short walk to Waterstones and the Central Library. Please note the multistorey closes at 7pm on Wednesdays, 9pm on Thursdays and Fridays, and 8pm on Saturdays so ticket holders attending later events please park in the on-street parking bays, which are free after 6pm. For further information see:


  • Are there concessions?·       
    We are a non-profit making organisation and have kept all ticket prices as low as possible. With the exception of the workshop, children’s and free events, we also offer concessionary rates on tickets for MK Lit Fest, which are available to the unwaged, under 21s, students, people on low wages and/or in receipt of benefits. 

    A limited number of Saturday Day Tickets are available, offering a discount on entry to all non-children's events in Central Milton Keynes Library and Waterstones MK on Saturday 6 April. 


  • Are food and drink available?
    The venues are in Central Milton Keynes, with a wide range of food and drink outlets and restaurants nearby.
    Really Awesome Coffee will be outside the Library from 9am on Saturday 6 April serving hot and cold drinks and food. Drinks and snacks are also available in the Library foyer, and the Café at Waterstones will also be open till 6.30pm on Friday 5 and 5.30pm on Saturday 6 April.


  • Will tickets be available on the door?
    Tickets will be available on the door for any events that have not sold out.

  • Can I buy books and get them signed?
    Waterstones MK will be on site throughout the festival selling books and organising signings.


  • Can children attend events?
    Please see individual event listings for events for children or young people. Children (or groups of children) must be accompanied by a responsible adult for all events.

    Children can attend adult events, but must be accompanied by a responsible adult who should judge suitability.


  • Can I photograph, video or record events?
    Audio recorders, cameras and mobile phones may not be used in the performance venues. 

    Please note: Visitors to MK Lit Fest may be filmed and/or photographed for future promotions of the festival.


  • What are the Festival COVID protocols?
    We will work with any UK Government guidelines in place at the time of the festival and communicate any changes to these to you. There are no current requirements to wear a face covering; if you feel more comfortable wearing one while attending, however, please feel free to do so.

    If you are feeling unwell, please do not to attend the festival events.


  • How can I volunteer?
    complete our online form, giving us your contact details and information about any relevant experience (e.g. front of house work, box office, ushering, gathering feedback)


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