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MinK2020 - City of Dreams
Flashfic and Poetry Competition and Anthology

MinK2020: City of Dream cover image

If you build it they will come, and over the past 50 years, Milton Keynes has gone from a field of dreams to a city of dreams. This year, Milton Keynes Literary Festival adopted City of Dreams as the theme for a flash fiction and poetry competition.

Entry was free, and writers were invited to submit a piece of flash fiction of up to 500 words in any genre you choose: sci-fi, thriller, romance, historical fiction… all styles are welcome. Or put pen to paper and send us a poem of up to 14 lines inspired by the theme. Or to enter writing in both categories.

The MinK team were delighted by both the number and quality of submissions, whether writers interpreted it as a call for writing about Milton Keynes, about dreams (or nightmares) of urban life, or – in some cases – both.

The anthology includes the poems and flash fiction of our category winners, along with a selection of the best entries that we received in each category, and will be available shortly in both printed and ebook formats. 


City of Dreams was launched online on 9 October 2020, with readings from our winning writers and our special guest, Jack Sheffield.

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