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Dreams for Beltane
Submissions: Terms and Conditions 

What you need to know

  • Submission is open to writers aged 14+ who live, work or study in Buckinghamshire (including Milton Keynes), Bedfordshire or Northamptonshire

  • All entries must be written in English. Work should be original and not previously published

  • Stories must connect in some way to the theme, which you are free to interpret that as creatively as you wish

  • Flash fiction  must be no more than 500 words. There is no minimum word limit. Any genre is acceptable, e.g. mystery, romance, science fiction, history. Each author can submit up to two entries.

  • Creative non-fiction  must be no more than 500 words. There is no minimum word limit. Each author can submit up to two entries.

  • Poems  must be no more than 40 lines (blank lines between stanzas do not count.)  Each author can submit up to three entries.

  • Entries should be submitted in Microsoft Word, RTF or Plain Text as an attachment to an email

  • All work should be typed in Arial size 12 font and should include a word count

  • Writers should not include their name on any part of the attachment as entries will be judged anonymously

  • We aim to select the best submissions for their writers to read  online on 1 May 2025, and to publish in a downloadable ebook (PDF format). Writers may be invited to participate in other MK Lit Fest events. Please be prepared to perform - or for your work to be read on your behalf if necessary.

  • Please do not submit material that would not receive a cinematic rating of 15 or less (i.e. no 18 / R-rated submissions)

  • Judges cannot correspond with entrants or give feedback on submissions


What you need to do

  • All entries should be submitted as an attachment to an email and sent to

  • Please type Dreams for Beltane Submission in the email subject line and specify which of the categories you are entering. If you wish to submit in more than one category, please put your submissions in separate documents for each category and submit them together in one email

  • Please include the following details in the body of your email: 

    • Your full name

    • Your pen name (if different)

    • Your age 

    • Your ethnicity

    • Title(s) of pieces and which category each piece belongs in

    • Email address/phone number  

    • Address including postcode (your home, workplace or educational institution, depending on how you meet the eligibility criteria)


Deadline for submissions: 12 April 2025

Selected readers will be notified by: 23 April 2025

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